Sunday, May 29, 2011

Stacking coupons

Happy Sunday everyone, and sorry for delaying this post. I was feeling like I was run over by a Mack truck yesterday, but we're all good to go today.

Let's talk Coupon stacking! Actually let's rewind a second, and let me explain exactly what coupon stacking is. "Stacking" is when you use more than 1 coupon, at the same time, for one product. Here in Edmonton/Area, there are only 2 stores that I am aware of that allow coupon stacking, London Drugs, and Save on Foods (please note though that SOF just started to allow stacking, so please be patient with your cashiers).

What is the benefit to stacking coupons? you ask...
Well, for starters, you will end up saving much more than just a 1 coupon transaction, and in many cases, your item(s) will be free. FREE!! How do you feel about free shampoo, laundry detergent, diapers (a huge deal for parents), formula, etc etc...

Now I promised you when I started this blog that couponing wasn't hard, and this, while it requires a smidge more understanding of the fine print, is relatively simple to master. So here we go....

Ok, let's say that product 'X' is on sale for $15.00. You have several coupons for this product so you want to stack them to get 'X" for free (or very very little). What you need to be aware of is the fine print on the bottom or back of the coupon. Key phrases that tell you you CANNOT stack them are: "CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER COUPON OFFER", and you obviously cannot use expired coupons. Now, the other main thing to remember is that you cannot use a duplicate coupon (such as 2 from the same insert, or website, etc).

Here's a step by step of our example, Product X:
- "Product X" sale price = $15.00
- 1 coupon you found in a magazine for $5.00 off
- 1 coupon ordered from one of the websites for $5.00 off
- 1 coupon found in a newspaper insert (Smart Source etc) for $3.00 off
- 1 coupon from a tearpad found in stores for $2.00 off
Total paid for 'Product X' = FREE

I *believe* London Drugs will cap you at 4 coupons per item, but they will also not allow you to exceed the value of the product either so in some cases you may end up paying a small amount.

Stacking, I have found works SO well when buying certain items. Diapers, wipes, laundry soap, toothpaste, feminine products, Asvil/Tylenol (both for adults and kids) and household cleaners. Makeup can become dirt cheap too!

I am hoping I explained this clearly for everyone, but if you have ANY questions, please dont hesitate to ask in the comments below! This is one of the best ways to save big $$ and get freebies.

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